ITK Welcomes Australia Delegate’s Visit

by | May 10, 2016 | Berita-ITK

Balikpapan – Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK) welcomes visit from Victorian Government Business Office (VGBO), Jakarta Office, representatives. Delegates were led by Commissioner for Victoria to Indonesia Brett Stevens, along with Education Services Director Belinda Rimbo, Investment Director Nico Kiroyan, Monash University’s Chief Representative Indonesia Selvi Angela, and Deakin University Country Manager Lina Darliana.

“We’re planning to make a major investment in East Kalimantan. One way to do it is through establish a cooperation with ITK as one of important stakeholder, not just in the region but also in the eastern part of Indonesia,” said Stevens during the meeting that were held in ITK’s meeting room, Balikpapan on April 27, 2016.

Stevens elaborates that the initiation of cooperation itself was actually came from East Kalimantan Governor, Awang Farouk that has visited Melbourne, Victoria a month ago.

The group was welcomed by The Rector of ITK, Prof. Sulistijono, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Subchan, Head of Programs of Study from five departments, and staff from ITK’s Office for International Affairs.

Sulistijono, in his speech, said that he appreciate the visit and expects that mutual cooperation should be established shortly and need to be maintained in the long run. “ITK is a national project and visioned to be one of the best institution in ASEAN. We are preparing our students to have high skill graduaates and to fill the growing needs of engineers in Indonesia,” said Sulistijono during the meeting.

The meeting itself turned out run in informal basis. Each party delivering their proposal of cooperation that can be done. Vice Rector of ITK for Academic Affairs, Subchan suggests that either Monash University or Deakin University could establish a research center in ITK or in East Kalimantan.

“Monash Univesity itself is widely known for its advanced knowledge in Nanotechnology and Railway Transportation Study. Deakin University in the other hand, is famous in Material and Metallurgical Engineering. We ask you to establish such study centers in these field of studies,” said Subchan to the representative from Monash and Deakin University.

Representative form Monash University, Selvi Anggara said that Subchan proposal is feasible. But she rather offers a writing workshop for international publication for the lecturers of ITK.

“We want Indonesian lecturers to get used to with international research sphere, where the mastery in english is a must,” said Selvi.

Lecturer from Information System Program of Study, Lovinta Happy Atrinawati, ask the delegate whether ITK is able to invite scholars from major uiversities in Victoria to conduct a public lecture in ITK Campus.

Sigit Pancahayani, Lecturer from Mathematic Program of Study, also ask the delegates, for the chance of student exchange program either in Deakin or Monash University.

Education Services Director of VGBO Indonesia, Belinda Rimbo answered that not all cooperation proposals discussed are applicable. “Living cost in Autralia is quite expensive. That is why scholarship donor like us has limits in our budgets. But we will help ITK,” said Belinda.


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