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Cultural and Academic Adventure, Two ITK Students Share Their PMM Experience

Humas ITK 13 August 2024 14.49
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Zafira Ilmi Najwati and Agil Ariya Senthiyaki, two students from the Digital Business program at the Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK), have embarked on an impressive journey at Telkom University Bandung through the Merdeka Student Exchange Program (PMM). This semester-long program has offered them the opportunity to engage in various academic and cultural activities that have enriched their experience.

The Nusantara Module activities at Telkom University have left a deep impression on Zafira and Agil. One of the most memorable experiences was their visit to Saung Angklung Udjo. Dressed in batik, they not only witnessed performances of wayang golek and traditional dances but also learned to play the angklung, a traditional West Javanese musical instrument. "This activity was incredibly exciting and fulfilling, especially because we were able to directly engage in learning a traditional musical instrument," Zafira enthusiastically shared.

During Ramadan, Zafira and Agil were invited to join a Bandung Walking Tour with the Urban Legend team from IndiGhost Bandung. They visited historical sites such as Taman Maluku and SMA 5 and 3 Bandung. "This night tour was very unique and different from other Nusantara Modules, giving us a new perspective on Bandung's history," Zafira added.

Another emotional experience occurred during their social contribution activity at the Griya Harapan Difabel Social Service Center (PPSGHD). There, they prepared an event and interacted with people with disabilities. "We spent time making balloons together and felt their happiness just from taking photos. I also had the chance to be an MC, which was my first experience. The encouragement and support from friends at PPSGHD made me braver," Zafira said.

During their four months at Telkom University, Zafira and Agil attended classes combining offline and online methods. They also took advantage of facilities like the Beam electric bikes to navigate the expansive campus. "The Telkom campus is very large, and facilities like elevators and electric bikes were very helpful," Zafira explained.

The PMM program also provided opportunities to attend various Inspiration and Reflection sessions, where they listened to guest speakers and reflected on their experiences. "These sessions were very beneficial for personal development and gaining a deeper understanding of our experiences," Zafira stated.

After participating in PMM, Zafira felt inspired to explore international programs like the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) in the future. "IISMA offers the chance to study at top universities abroad and experience life and culture in other countries. I am very interested in broadening my horizons and improving my foreign language skills through this program," Zafira said.

The experiences gained during PMM at Telkom University Bandung have provided Zafira and Agil with valuable insights into academic and cultural aspects, enriching their knowledge about various facets of life in the country. This program has not only broadened their perspectives but also developed their social and academic skills, which will be useful in the future.

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