Academic English & Graduate Career Skill Training 2017

by | Nov 14, 2017 | Pengumuman

Kalimantan Institute of Technology Presents:
Academic English & Graduate
Career Skill Training

** Limited seats for opened participants (FREE)

Academic English & Graduate Career Skill Training aims at delivering a series of both academic English and career skill training to assist students with TOEFL preparation, career planning, developing effective job search skills and building professional skills to make a good impression in the workplace.
Language Center, Kalimantan Institute of Technology
System Information Department, Kalimantan Institute of Technology
Astra Management Development Institute (AMDI) PT Astra International Tbk.
Office of Cooperation and International affairs , Kalimantan Institute of Technology
State Polytechnic of Balikpapan


7.30 am – 15.00 p.m
November 15
th ,2017
Class 306, A Building ITK Campus
Karang Joang, Balikpapan


Program Description:

TOEFL Preparation Training (13 November 2017)

The program is an in-house academic English training specialized in TOEFL preparation for the students. This program is a grant program given to 40-50 senior students by selection of academic and non-academic merit. The activities include a placement test, 20 active modules (90 minutes each), and a post test. At the end of the program, the students are expected to perform English proficiency mastery
up to intermediate level (500-550 paper based TOEFL). 
Graduate Career Skill Training (15 November 2017) Graduate Career Skill Training is a program to promote integration of knowledge and skills to develop students’ career perspectives and decisions to perform their best in millennial professional world. The participants consist of senior students starting from six semesters.
The one-day training consists of three main activities, namely: 1) Resume Writing, 2) Professional image Branding and interview, 3) Career

Course instructors:

1. Healty Susantiningdyah, MAppLing.
(Kalimantan Institute of Technology)
2. Lilik Damyanti, M.Hum.
(State Polytechnic of Balikpapan)

Resume Writing (Session I: 7.30 – 9.oo wita)

This course will provide students with the skills to write a professional resume aligned to their key skills and experience. The topic include: 1) resume formats, 2) key resume components, 3) Identifying your
talents, skills, and abilities, 4) Outlining your experience succinctly.


Professional Image Branding and Interview (Session II :9.30 – 12.30 wita)

This course prepares the students for getting into the workplace. The students will be informed about the strategies and skills to be presentable employee candidates. This course also allows them to involve in simulation of interview.

Career Reflection (Session III: 13.30 -15.00 wita)

This course helps the students to revisit their personal life direction and consider how they want to align their personal and career aspirations. The session will provide the students skills to identify their
career passion and career purpose.


Overall, at the end of this program the students are expected to master some basic skills to win the global competition of workforce, namely, foreign language, communication skills, and critical thinking. Furthermore, this program will facilitate the students to develop insight along with millennial challenge to create workforce through their passion, skills, and dedication.


Graduate Career Skill Training

SESSION 1: Healty Susantiningdyah, MAppLing.
Language Center (ITK)
SESSION 2: Ir. Seh Ukur Indra, MM.
Astra Management Development Institute
SESSION 3: Lovinta Happy Atrinawati, M.T.
System Information Department (ITK)


CP: Susan: 0812-3297-1806


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