Stevany Apricilia Yunizar, a Chemical Engineering student from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), shared her incredible experience as part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program 2 (PMM 2) at her university. The unique breakthrough of PMM 2 is the introduction of the Nusantara module, which allows students to explore the richness of Indonesian culture and civilization, particularly the golden age of Majapahit.
The Nusantara module, designed by five lecturers and five ITS students, is a perfect blend of academic teaching and cultural exploration. Throughout a full semester, PMM students were engaged in a series of activities that introduced them to the cultural heritage of Majapahit. From visits to the Trowulan Museum, medicinal forests, Mount Kelud, to the Marine Laboratory, the students participated in an in-depth exploration.
One of the main activities was "kebhinekaan" (diversity), where students had the opportunity to identify cultural issues and uniqueness through direct visits to historical sites. Additionally, the "inspiration" activities motivated students by bringing in inspiring local figures to share their experiences and knowledge.
For Stevany, the reflection activities were moments to share their experiences and understanding through posters, video vlogs, and reports. Finally, the social contribution activities allowed them to showcase their works at the Nusantara festival and the 62nd ITS Anniversary celebration.
Stevany's experience as an exchange student at ITS was unforgettable. Besides receiving significant attention from the PMM organizers, she also enjoyed the luxury of learning facilities and support from lecturers and peers. The Nusantara module, especially the learning about Majapahit Civilization, was one of the most impressive highlights for Stevany.
For Stevany, this opportunity not only made her more prepared for an uncertain future but also expanded her social network and enriched her knowledge holistically. With PMM 2 and the Nusantara module, ITS opens a new window for students to explore the wealth of Indonesian culture and history while receiving excellent technical education.
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