
Institut Teknologi Kalimantan


Institut Teknologi Kalimantan









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PIN Technology Seminar 2024: Enhancing Insights into Swarm Robots and AI

13 September 2024

Institut Teknologi Kalimantan (ITK) hosted the PIN Technology Seminar 2024, titled "Swarm Robots and AI for Text Recognizing." This seminar is part of the core events of the Pejuang Inovasi Nasional (PIN) 2024 and took place at the Auditorium Room, Integ

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National Innovation Week 2024: Pejuang Inovasi Nasional Competition Shakes Up Indonesia's Tech World

12 September 2024

This annual event, organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, features the theme "Digital Transformation In Building The Nusantara Toward Technology Era 5.0", and aims to provide a platform for Indonesian students to showcase their talents and

Example_News.webp Opinion
The Role of CPNS in Safeguarding the Unity of the Republic of Indonesia: A Modern Security Pillar

10 September 2024

In this challenging digital era, national defense readiness must be continuously enhanced through education, training, and awareness of increasingly complex global threats. As state servants, CPNS are expected to be prepared to dedicate themselves to the

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Confused by Balikpapan’s Weather? ITK Physics Lecturer Weighs In

10 September 2024

Recently, the weather in Balikpapan has often seemed unpredictable, leaving many people puzzled. But is Balikpapan’s weather really becoming harder to forecast? Agus Rifani, S.Si., M.Si., a Physics lecturer at the Institut Teknologi Kalimantan and an alum

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Guest Lecture on "Career Strategies in the Food Industry" with PT. Kutai Refinery Nusantara

10 September 2024

The guest lecture will feature Mr. Novan Erriawan, S.T., the current Operation Head at PT. Kutai Refinery Nusantara. Mr. Erriawan will share insights and experiences on the latest trends in the food industry, as well as provide valuable information on opp

Example_News.webp Academic
Opening Ceremony & Innovation Exhibition of Unmanned Fast Boats: ETAM SHIP COMPETITION 2024

3 September 2024

This competition serves as a platform for students from various universities across Indonesia to showcase their innovations in maritime technology to strengthen defense and surveillance in the era of the new capital's development.


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    ITK Alumni Experiences

    • Testimoni_1.webp

      ITK sudah memulai dengan baik terbukti dari banyak mahasiswa berprestasi

      Berawal dari mengikuti beberapa kompetisi startup dari tingkat kota hingga nasional bersama kedua rekanku dan mendapatkan pendanaan berupa grant yang kami gunakan untuk mendirikan Perusahaan Ciro Waste yang melayani jual beli sampah di Balikpapan.

      Sandy (Teknik Mesin 2021)
      CEO Ciro Waste
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      ITK memiliki Dosen Ahli serta mensupport kegiatan pembelajaran

      Lingkungan kampus yang nyaman dengan berbagai kegiatan yang mampu memanifestasikan pasca lulus bagi mahasiswanya. Saya tidak pernah menyesal menjadi bagian dari Kampus Perjuangan hingga menuntun saya meraih beasiswa S2 LPDP Dalam Negeri.

      Rozikin (Teknik Material dan Metalurgi 2017)
      Penerima Beasiswa LPDP
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      Sekarang mengabdikan diri kembali menjadi Dosen Teknik Mesin ITK

      Berhasil melanjutkan studi ke Kookmin University, Korea dengan beasiswa yang diperoleh dari informasi dosen ITK. Perjuangan panjang tentunya akan mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Sekarang saya mengabdikan diri kembali ke ITK.

      Chaerul (Teknik Mesin 2013)
      Dosen Teknik Mesin ITK
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      Ilmu yang didapatkan saat berkuliah menunjang pekerjaan saat ini

      Saat ini bekerja sebagai PNS di Kementerian PUPR sebagai Ahli Pertama Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan. Pekerjaan ini linier dengan jurusan kuliah yang diambil, khususnya di bidang jalan dan jembatan, sehingga ilmu yang diperoleh selama kuliah menunjang pekerjaan saat ini.

      Meilinda (Teknik Sipil 2012)
      Ahli Pertama Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan di Kementerian PUPR

    21 September 2024


    21 September 2024

    Parent Meeting for New Students

    19 September 2024

    19 September 2024

    Evaluation of New Student Admissions at ITK

    18 September 2024

    18 September 2024

    Borneo International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering

    11 September 2024

    11 September 2024

    National Innovation Week (PIN) 2024

    ITK Agenda


    Tuition Fee
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